WWHW Club Hui Minutes 24/2/2022
7:30pm on Zoom
Attendees: Amber Hartstone (Chair – filling in for Sarah Harihari), Briar Heinrich (Secretary), Helen Thomas (Treasurer), Haidee Rangiawha, Wayne Trott, Nicky Swallow, Lana Hartstone, Conan Herbert, Debbie Phillips-Morgan, Sheryl Rangiawha, Chloe Hartstone, Sarah Harihari (arrived towards end of meeting)
Apologies: Anna Whitehead, Patricia Gleason, Frances Karl, Penny Brandt, Leah Whiu, Petra
Aust Karakia TImatanga
He honore
He kororia ki te atua
He maungarongo ki te whenua
He whakaaro pai ki ngā tāngata katoa Āmine
Item Description Action needed/notes
1. Minutes from last meeting (16/12/21) Approved by Helen, Seconded by Briar
2. Matters arising Add accounting software purchase to agenda (Helen)
3. Changes to constitution Changes were notified to club members on 16th Jan. Changes were made in order to update the constitution in line with current accounting and administrative needs as well as a need to adjust some of the roles allocated. Moved to pass the changes by Amber, seconded by Wayne. All in favor. Physical address changed to 22 Nihinihi (Helen’s address) Briar to forward electronically to all members Helen to print a copy and have 15 club members sign
4. Waka maintenance Conan – 6 week wait from now but waka is booked in with Matcraft Conan has a set of Kiato available to use on club waka. This will enable him/wayne to service the kiato from club waka (sand/varnish) Conan will invoice the club for costs. Wayne to update rubber. Costs to club.
5. Club feedback to WANZ In January the exec met and agreed to email feedback to WANZ on event policy on behalf of the club. Briar questioned whether this was due process given the representation was small (7 people). Concern that this wasn’t a fair view representative of the entire club.
6. Membership Helen – Club membership spreadsheet is updated and will be circulated to steerers/membership Helen/Briar to circulate to members
8. Club logo Amber to follow up
9. Wash station DIscussion around whether to ask council to return wash station to where it was originally. CRM report has been filed from Wayne around safety and the drain. Should we put in a CRM request from club? 5 in favor, 2 against, 2 unsure. Sarah will draft letter to WDC and send to Exec
10. Events, whanau day, other discussion Understanding that this item on agenda was meant to be around the hoe? Unsure. Discussion around whether we can host the hoe given current restrictions. (25 people without vaccine passes, 100 with vaccine passes). Agreed to call a club meeting in 14 days to discuss as a wider group. Whanau day – Lana and Conan keen to host a day similar to last year with races, sausage sizzle etc Briar to send invitation to club members tonight, meeting on 14th Lana to email club with dates
11. Waka fees for out of town clubs This stands at $150 per waka. Briar was keen to confirm this is the pricing. Concern from Sarah it could be too expensive? Conan and Amber justified the cost given the time given by volunteers and equipment use etc.
12. Affiliation Usually all club members are affiliated as due process upon membership. Briar has not affiliated members except where there has been a request. Discussion around this as some members would rather their affiliation fee of $15 stays with the club this financial year. Briar to ask all club members to contact the club if they do NOT want to be affiliated for this financial year only. Otherwise, will affiliate members as usual.
13. Accounting $500 – $700 needed for accounting package. Software Move to allow the club to spend this amount by Amber, Conan seconded. Helen will approach the club if it is over $700. This is a one off payment and the club will then have the software for all accounting purposes.
14. Koha from RAS Helen – treasurer update Koha from Raglan Area School of $350 Briar to forward Whitiora school invoice request to Helen Helen to provide financial report
Karakia whakamutunga
Kia tau, kia tatou katoa
Te atawhai o to tatou ariki, a ihu karaiti Me te aroha o te atua
Me te whiwhingatahitanga
O te wairua tapu
Ake, ake, ake, Amine