All new paddlers are required to pay their membership 4 weeks after their first paddle (under 13yrs – $20, under 19yrs – $30, Adult full -$95, Adult after 1/3/2021 – $50).
Account- Whaingaroa whanau hoe waka 03 1563 0045952 00
*****UPON JOINING*****
Under 19yrs – paddle and lifejacket supplied.
Adults are required to purchase own paddle and lifejacket (cost for both from approx $200 to $500+).
‘Membership Details and Rules’ (to be emailed on return of this form).
Please initial here to confirm that you have read and understood the extra costs associated with paddling, these are additional to your annual membership fees………………………..(initial here).
Club Committee Email – whaingaroawaka@gmail.com